When buying property how would you make yourself aware of any use or other restrictions applicable to lots or common property? What must be considered?
- (Sample) Using Helpjuice
Water Run Off Buying Strata Strata Titles Act of Western Australia Lot Boundaries Strata Plan and Other Plans Strata Titles Act Regulations, Standard By-Laws & Management Statements Tenanting Your Property Alteration to a lot/ installations Common Property Employing Contractors Funding Access for Maintenance Fences Contractors Electrical Gas Plumbing Pests NBN Swimming Pools & Spas Building Warranties Strata Companies Levies Financial Strata Manager Strata Council Insurance Paint AGM’s
Refer to copy of the current strata plan & By Laws/ management statement that have been lodged as identified on the Strata Plan; Items of consideration would be the date of scheme, adopted a management statement and /or other By Laws.
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