Casual Vacancy vs Vacant position (there is a difference)
A casual vacancy arises when an elected member of the strata council resigns, is disqualified, or can no longer serve (e.g. selling out of scheme). The vacancy occurs during the council's term of office, and the remaining council members may either:
Appoint a replacement from eligible lot owners or
Leave the position vacant until the next AGM, at which point a new election can be held.
A vacant position refers to a situation where no one has been elected to a council seat at the outset. This often happens when there are fewer nominations than available council positions. Vacant positions remain unfilled until the next opportunity for nominations, usually at a subsequent AGM or if an Extraordinary General Meeting is called to fill the position (EGM)
In short, a casual vacancy occurs mid-term and involves replacing an outgoing member, while a vacant position exists when a seat is unfilled from the start.