Reward Pest control have supplied this info
Info from Reward Pest
Small non-flying Cockroaches such as German and Smoky brown live withing dark & damp spaces and may also be within wall cavities where the plumbing pipes lead up to the top floor units. These type of roaches are treated by gel baits only as sprays will not get rid of them easily. The gel baits have growth regulators in it that will stop their reproductive cycle and will cause them to die out.
Regarding Cockroaches Internal:
(mostly associated with German cockroaches and Smokey brown banded cockroaches)
These roaches can be brought in by accident via cardboard boxes as they can lay their eggs in them, They are also known to live in areas as described in the pictures here below.
These roaches are:
Small Cockroaches – normally found indoors
Brown-banded Cockroach
German Cockroach
Smokybrown Cockroach
Regarding Cockroaches exterior:
The outside cockroach Spray / treatment will cover mostly these LARGE flying roaches as seen here below – they normally do not enter dwellings but can wonder into dwellings by accident. The exterior spray will not affect the small non-flying roaches such as smoky brown and German cockroaches.
Large Cockroaches – normally roams outdoors
Australian Cockroach |
American Cockroach |
Oriental Cockroach |
Wood Cockroach |
With having German cockroaches inside the house – once off treatments will not rid the problem. German cockroaches can cause an infestation in as much as 4 weeks.
Properties with an infestation of German cockroaches will need a 2nd Treatment in at least 4-8 weeks cycles to break the reproduction cycle. In severe cases some properties will need a 3rd treatment if needed.
Please contact us should you require any further information .